Higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Pavlo Fedorchenko-Kutuev Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського» (кафедра соціології факультету соціології і права), Україна
  • Hanna Kurovska

Ключові слова:

higher education, COVID-19


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas of human life and very likely will have a continuous effect on them even after tackling the novel coronavirus. With the beginning of the pandemic, higher education institutions all around the world have faced with challenges of the global lockdowns, urgent switch to distance learning, and global covid-caused economic decrease. COVID-19 Pandemic challenges have influenced teaching and learning practices, equal access to higher education of different social groups (including vulnerable and disadvantaged ones), and international student mobility [3]. According to key findings of the UNESCO “COVID-19: reopening and reimagining universities” global higher education institutions survey, COVID-19 challenges led to an increase in online and hybrid learning modes, reduce of international and increase in domestic enrollment, the major setback of international mobility programs, disruption of research activities, widening inequality in student funding opportunities, limited campus operation and a significant reduction in job opportunities for graduates [2]. At the same time, UNESCO reported the limited effect on academic staff in most of the surveyed countries, while some countries experienced a reduction in academic/administrative staff and remuneration reductions/salary freezes [2]...


